venerdì 4 luglio 2014

Cannabis India - SWF Session 1973

As a child in Germany, Oliver PETRY began playing piano at a very young age, switching later to organ after hearing contemporary greats as Keith EMERSON. By about 1970, PETRY, drummer Rüdiger BRAUNE and bassist Dirk FLECK had formed cover band The FUTURES but by 1971, had transformed into CANNABIS INDIA, a faux-classical power trio based near Düsseldorf and part of the famous Wuppertal scene (known as a center of 'Krautrock' with acts as Holderlin garnering national attention).

CANNABIS INDIA featured all-original compositions from PETRY and after good word of mouth began spreading about their live shows, the trio secured billing with artists as EARTH AND FIRE, BEGGARS OPERA, and EILIFF. Their appearances at Berlin's IFA and the first Wuppstock Festival in 1973 were highlights. The band's long-forgotten recordings - done in May '73 at the Sudwestfunk and finally released in 2009 as 'SWF Session 1973' on Long Hair Records - are our only taste of this unit in the studio and present a raw but dynamic early form of heavy, organ-based symphonic rock in the vein of ELP's 'Tarkus' period and smaller bands as Canada's ExCUBUS [then Incubus].

Guitarist Martin KOHMSTEDT [of SOLOMON JACKDAW] joined the band but left in '74, after which CI split-up. Shortly after, Oliver PETRY founded UNIVERSE with ex-SOLOMON JACKDAW members and before this group's breakup, they recorded several cuts at the Studio Neugebauer [included as bonus cuts on SWF Session]. Later, bandmates reunited to work on the FRITZ MüLLER BAND helping to record the album 'Kommt'. Oliver PETRY became lead vocalist for EMPIRE along with Dirk FLECK on bass and released an LP in 1981. PETRY now works as a graphics & sound designer for websites and plans a future music project called The Unbrothers.

Firmly recommended to any fans of vintage organ Prog at its most immediate and sincere, CANNABIS INDIA's 'SWF Session 1973' is a must for lovers of pure old fashioned symphonic rock.

01.Hand Of The King 7:28
02.Lapis 11:54
03.Revolver 4:18
04.Beethoven's 9th 10:52
05.Mirror 3:39 (Bonus Track by Universe)
06.The Hunt 5:19 (Bonus Track by Universe)

Cannabis India:
Oliver Petry - Organ
Rudiger Braune - Drums
Dirk Flec - Bass

Oliver Petry - Organ, Moog, Vocals
Detlev Krause - Guitar
Bernd Frielingsdorf - Drums
Detlev Dalitz - Bass

5 commenti:

  1. Wow! Many Thanks Anonimo! I greatly appreciated!

  2. Yep,listening,talking, discovering new music from the past,This is what I like and I love (my wife will not be jealous ... hehehe), we are in the blood, just the music...drink good beer,whiskey,sometimes...or other bad things! there is nothing better (except for women),and you know what,we are free fucking, from the cares of this world!

    At the end of the 60ies,a waning influence of the beat- and psychedelic rock era had many German musicians turn their attention towards a new music genre, which the English later,somewhat disrespectfully, called “Krautrock”. This development took its start in the music capitals,from where it eventually spread to the hinterland. And so it happened that in Wuppertal (approx. 20 km southeast of Düsseldorf) young musicians were looking for their own musical ways of expression. The most prominent band from this region that became popular nationwide was the band Hölderlin. Their name remains familiar with all lovers of “Krautrock” until today. Other bands that produced “Rock made in Wuppertal” weren’t able to achieve the success they deserved,in spite of their potential. The gap between amateurs and half-professional musicians was steadily increasing; one obstacle on the way to success was the equipment expenses(a band had to fork out at least 10 000 € for amplifier and instruments),but also the increasingly demanding audience put an end to many an ambitious school band.

    Very good, previously unknown, heavy keyboard-driven progressive band who never made an album. Shocking that something this good could be sitting in the vaults,ignored and forgotten,through the ages!
    a bit of a forgotten band,I liked them,thanks for the reminder! "Another forgotten pearl from the vaults of radio station SWF,Germany. Like Coupla Prog or other delights from the early '70s who never made an album,Cannabis India, founded 1971 in the region of Düsseldorf, show their great talent playing their own compositions influenced by groups like The Nice or ELP. Bandleader and organ-player Oliver Petry studied piano from the early age of seven. When he heard Keith Emerson for the first time he changed his instrument and played organ with great enthusiasm. Together with drummer Rüdiger Braune (in the '80s with Gianna Nannini) and furious bass-player Dirk Fleck, Cannabis India run through their pieces with infernal speed but also with a sense of drama. The nearly 12 minute epic 'Lapis' and 11 minutes adaption of Beethoven's 9th show what Cannabis India music was all about. CD comes with 2 bonus tracks from follow-up band Universe. Digitally remastered from original master tapes and band story.

  3. I am not free from the worries of the world but are socially active towards these issues. I like to be aware dear adam because I care about our future, especially that of my daughters and children from around the world. music is my greatest passion lka and vent to what's happening and I believe that if there was no music every day of my life then I shall become mad. w the beautiful music, w the great rock! goddbye adam, see you soon.

  4. Sorry for my bad English but is translated by Bing translator
